12 Tourist attractions in Sukoharjo that you must know
12 Tourist attractions in Sukoharjo that you must know - In this article we will discuss about some of the tourism destinations in Sukoharjo, Central Java. Sukoharjo is a county directly adjacent to the city of Surakarta or Solo. The location of Sukoharjo are between Solo city and Wonogiri regency. Although still overshadowed by the tourist attractions in Solo, but there are some tourist attractions that seem to deserve to be as reference to spend the holiday season. Below are the 12 most beautiful tourist attractions in Sukoharjo, Central Java.
Similarly was 12 Tourist attractions in Sukoharjo that you must know. Indeed tourist attractions above have not been fully able to compete with tourist attraction located in the surrounding counties. However, with the improvement and management of Sukoharjo regency government can certainly more enthused by tourists.
- Pandawa Water WorldPandawa Water World => Judging from its name seems to have seen that the tourist attraction in Sukoharjo is a ride water games are suitable as family tourism. At this location, beside there is a swimming pool, it also offers a variety of water games nuanced adventure. The striking thing of the Pandawa Water World is the existence of relief on the wall with a picture of Pandawa. The location of Pandawa Water World is in Solo Baru, Grogol-Sukoharjo. These ride highly favored by the people of Solo and the surrounding areas. In fact there are also visitors from overseas. The rides in Pandawa Water World include black hole, kiddy pool, bungy river, bungy jumping, racer slide, raf slide, wave pool, and other rides.
- Royal Water Adventure => Royal Water Adventure is one of the water games tourism in Sukoharjo fairly crowded. Here you and your family can vacation and enjoy several swimming pool and water games are highly favored by children. Royal Water Adventure is situated in the street Solo-Wonogiri, precisely in the Telukan village, Grogol subdistrict, Sukoharjo regency.
- Alaska Waterboom => Beside Pandawa Water World, Sukoharjo also has an exciting water tourism. These tourism is Alaska Waterboom. This tourism in Sukoharjo was also visited by many the visitors. However, most present still limited visitors from Sukoharjo own. Alaska Waterboom situated in the Polokarto village, Sukoharjo. The uniqueness of waterboom in Sukoharjo is waterboom location in the middle of teak forest. So its existence as an oasis in the desert.
- Kora-kora => One more tourist attraction child playing in Sukoharjo. This place is also a water play area designed for children. Kora-kora tourist sites is in the village of Purbayan, Baki subdistrict, Sukoharjo regency. In this place there are four swimming pools with different heights. So that our children can choose according to their body height.
- Sendang Pinilih => Sendang Pinilih is a tourist attraction in Sukoharjo precisely situated in the Sawah Jero hamlet, Jangglengan village, Nguter subdistrict, Sukoharjo regency. Despite its name Sendang, but in fact this tourism is a place in the form of swimming pool that has been developed as water tourism for the community Sukoharjo. There are three swimming pools and 1 fish pond located at Sendang Pinilih. The admission price is very cheap at only IDR 7,000 made the Sendang Pinilih as an alternative holiday arrived on a holiday weekend.
- Colo reservoir => Nguter regency, Sukoharjo is the most southern regency, there is a reservoir or dam whose function is to accommodate the river water to be used as a means of irrigated rice fields in the vicinity. Beside to the purpose of irrigation turns Colo reservoir is also frequently used by locals as a place to hang out and chat with friends. Indeed, judging, Colo reservoir has its own beauty in the form of a magnificent building reservoir and dam of water that make the atmosphere became festive.
- Mulur reservoir => Another type of water tourism in Sukoharjo regency, Central Java. This tourism is a Mulur reservoir. Mulur name is taken from the name of place the existence of this reservoir namely in the Mulur village, Bendosari subistrict, Sukoharjo regency. This reservoir became the most pleasant places for people who like fishing. Usually on Sunday or public holiday many anglers who come to fish in this reservoir. Beside to fishing at certain times also held events rowing race, water sky and water motor.
- Umbul Pecinan Batu Seribu => Umbul Pecinan Batu Seribu is one of the favorite family tourism for residents Sukoharjo. Umbul Pecinan Batu Seribu in the form of a park, and the baths were standing in an area of 2.5 hectares above the limestone hills. To reach the tourist attraction of Umbul Pecinan Batu Seribu, you have to pass through the winding streets and go up. There are many amenities offered at Umbul Pecinan Batu Seribu namely swimming pool, outbound, sendang and also stage arts. In the Umbul Pecinan Batu Seribu there is white catfish sacred by local people because it is considered as an incarnation of Kyai Truno.
- Langenharjo warm water bath => In the regency of Sukoharjo it turns out there is a warm water bath. This warm water bath, formerly built by the royal family Surakarta Kasunanan. Construction of this warm water bath is said by drilling the ground. So it can be concluded that warm water that comes out is not formed naturally as warm water that appeared in the mountains. But unfortunately Langenharjo warm water bath, the water that comes out is no longer warm. It was said that because of lack of maintenance. So the water pipes that is used been a lot of porous. Langenharjo warm water bath is still there need to be reform of the parties concerned to appearance fresher and more attractive to tourists, because it contains a very high historical value.
- Petilasan of Pajang sultanate => Pajang sultanate is the successor of Demak empire that has collapsed. In history, the existence of Pajang sultanate is not long. That's because at the end of the reign of Sultan Hadiwijaya, established a kingdom called Mataram kingdom which then took over the Pajang sultanate in Java land. Pajang sultanate is synonymous with Sultan Hadiwijaya or Joko Tingkir. Petilasan Pajang sultanate situated on the Joko Tingkir street, Benowo II Sonojiwan alley RT 5 / RW 22, Kartosuro subdistrict, Sukoharjo regency. Due to the collapse of the Pajang sultanate has lasted for hundreds of years, currently there is no physical building that remains. In this petilasan there is only wood chips believed to as former raft belonging to Joko Tingkir and a rock which was previously become a place meditative and a sendang where the water is always clear although it is situated on the edge of murky and dirty river.
- The tomb of Ki Ageng Sutowijoyo => Beside famous with water tourism, Sukoharjo there are also several famous religious tourism. One of the religious tourism in Sukoharjo is the tomb of Ki Ageng Sutowijoyo. Ki Ageng Sutowijoyo tomb is located in the Majasto village, Tawangsari subdistrict, Sukoharjo regency. The tomb is also known by the name tomb of Bumi Arum Majasto. Ki Ageng Sutowijoyo was the 107th son of king Majapahit Brawijaya V. He is one of the santri of Sunan Kalijaga and ever become a teacher of Joko Tingkir. Ki Ageng Sutowijoyo is also the founder of the Majasto village. According to the story, the tomb of Ki Ageng Sutowijoyo is not deep but shallow. However, this tomb does not cause a bad odor. At this location, beside there is the tomb also contained mosque relics Ki Ageng Sutowijoyo. Until now, this tomb is always crowded with pilgrims, especially at Kliwon Friday night.
- The tomb of Ki Ageng Purwoto Sidik => Ki Ageng Purwoto Sidik has several nicknames, including Ki Ageng Banyubiru, Ki Kebo Kanigoro etc. He still fairly uncle of Joko Tingkir at once his teacher. Ki Ageng Purwoto Sidik tomb is located in the Sarean hamlet, Jatingarang village, Weru subdistrict, Sukoharjo regency, Central Java province. At the location of this tomb there is petilasan of Ki Ageng Purwoto Sidik in the form of Sendang. The sendang among them Banyubiru, Bendo, Gupak Warak, Krapyak, Margomulyo, Margojati, Sepanjang, Siluwih and Ndanumulyo. Warak Gupak sendang were in Wonogiri and others scattered in Weru, Sukoharjo.
Similarly was 12 Tourist attractions in Sukoharjo that you must know. Indeed tourist attractions above have not been fully able to compete with tourist attraction located in the surrounding counties. However, with the improvement and management of Sukoharjo regency government can certainly more enthused by tourists.
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